Taho for Breakfast

Taho is a popular Philippine snack made of fresh soft or silken tofu with arnibal (caramelized sugar) and sago pearls. It has this soft custard like consistency. Though there is really nothing fantastic about this snack, Filipinos simply love its sweetness and texture. It is perfect as a breakfast item or morning snack.

It is a usual morning scenario to see taho vendors and hear theam shouting: "tahoooo!" for everyone to hear. Some children and adults would rush out of their houses bringing their own cups or mugs.

Hawkers would sell taho from Php5 to Php20, depending on the size of the plastic cups. They served them warm and with a straw.

Taho is not only delicious, it is healthy too. Taho primarily use tofu or bean curd, which is made from soybean, as its main ingredients. According to Fitday.com: "Consuming tofu regularly helps lower bad cholesterol, alleviates symptoms associated with menopause and even lowers the risk of cancer. Other major health benefits of tofu compared to meat include making middle-aged bones stronger and delaying the ravages of age. Tofu has been found to be a great source of calcium and vitamin E as well."


If you want to make your own taho at home, let me share this video from Panlasang Pinoy:


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